Unlockable Characters:
King Boo - Win 50cc Star Cup
Diddy Kong - Win all 50cc Cups
Baby Daisy - Attain at least 1 Star Rank for all 50cc Wii Grand Prix Cups
Mii (Outfit A) - Win 100cc Special Cup
Mii (Outfit B) - Unlock 32 Expert Staff Ghost Data in Time Trials
Mii (Outfit C) - Get 15,000 points in VS mode - *unconfirmed
Dry Bones - Win 100cc Leaf Cup
Bowser Jr. - Attain at least 1 Star Rank for all 100cc Retro Grand Prix Cups
Daisy - Win 150cc Special Cup
Dry Bowser - Attain at least 1 Star Rank for all 150cc Wii Grand Prix Cups
Funky Kong - Unlock 4 Expert Staff Ghost Data in Time Trials
Baby Luigi - Unlock 8 Expert Staff Ghost Data in Time Trials
Birdo - Play Time Trials on 16 different courses/Get 250 wins online
Toadette - Play Time Trials on all 32 different courses
Rosalina - With a Super Mario Galaxy save, win a series of Grand Prix cups/Without Galaxy save, Attain at least 1 Star Rank for all Mirror Grand Prix Cup
Unlockable Karts:
Cheep Charger (small kart) - Attain at least 1 Star Rank for all 50cc Retro Grand Prix Cups
Blue Falcon (small kart) - Win Mirror Lightning Cup
Rally Romper (small kart) - Unlock 1 Expert Staff Ghost Data in Time Trials
Turbo Blooper (medium kart) - Win 50cc Leaf Cup
Royal Racer (medium kart) - Win 150cc Leaf Cup
B-Dasher (medium kart) - Unlock 24 Expert Staff Ghost data
Piranha Prowler (large kart) - Win 50cc Special Cup
Dragonetti (large kart) - Win 150cc Lightning Cup
Aero Glider (large kart) - Win all 150cc Retro Grand Prix Cups
Unlockable Bikes:
Quacker (small bike) - Win 150cc Star Cup
Bubble Bike (small bike) - Win Mirror Leaf Cup
Magikruiser (small bike) - Play Time Trials on 8 different courses
Rapide (medium bike) - Win 100cc Lightning Cup
Nitrocycle (medium bike) - Attain at least 1 Star Rank for all 100cc Wii Grand Prix Cups
Dolphin Dasher (medium bike) - Win Mirror Star Cup
Twinkle Star (large bike) - Win 100cc Star Cup
Phantom (large bike) - Win Mirror Special Cup
Torpedo (large bike) - Unlock 12 Expert Staff Ghost Data in Time Trials
Misc Unlockables:
Picture option to send to Wii Message Board - Complete all 8 Cups in a class
Karts & Bikes (50cc) - Earn trophies in all 50cc Grand Prix Cups
Karts & Bikes (100cc) - Earn trophies in all 100cc Grand Prix Cups
Mirror Class - Win all 150cc Cups
Alternate Title Screen - Win all CupsEVERYTHING??? ...Oh boy...ummm...hold on one second...here we go:
Star Cup: Beat both Flower and Mushroom Cups.
Special Cup: Beat Star Cup.
Leaf Cup: Beat Shell and Banana Cups.
Lightning Cup: Beat Leaf Cup.
GP Rules:
50cc Karts & Bikes: Beat every Cup in the 50cc.
100cc Karts & Bikes: Beat every Cup in the 100cc.
Mirror Mode: Beat all cups in 50cc, 100cc, & 150ccat least once.
King Boo: Get a Gold Cup on the 50cc Star Cup.
Rosalina: Get a "One Star" Rank or higher on Retro Mirror Cups (Shell, Banana, Leaf, & Lightning). Alternatively, she will be obtained thru a Super Mario Galaxy file after you race 50 times (any mode).
Birdo: Make records for 16 different stages in Time Trials. Alternatively, win 250 online matches.
Toadette: Make records for all 32 stages in Time Trials. Alternatively, win 1,000 online matches.
Baby Daisy: Get a "One Star" Rank or higher on all 50cc Cups.
Dry Bones: Get a Gold Cup on the 100cc Leaf Cup.
Diddy Kong:
Bowser Jr.: Get a "One Star" Rank or higher on all 100cc Retro Cups.
Mii Outfit A: Get a Gold Cup in the 100cc Special Cup.
Daisy: Get a Gold Cup in the 150cc Special Cup.
Baby Luigi: Unlock 8 Expert Staff Ghosts in Time Trials.
Funky Kong: Unlock 4 Expert Staff Ghosts in Time Trials.
Dry Bowser: Get a "One Star" Rank or higher on all 150cc Cups.
Mii Outfit B: Unlock all 32 Expert Staff Ghosts in Time Trials.
Bubble Bike (small): Win the Mirror Leaf Cup.
Dolphin Dasher (medium): Win the Mirror Star Cup.
Kamek (small): Defeat all the Nintendo ghosts in the Star Cup.
Magikruiser (small): Play on eight different courses in Time Trials mode.
Phantom (large): Win the Mirror Special Cup.
Quacker (small): Win the 150cc Star Cup.
Shooting Star (Twinkle Star, large): Win the 100cc Star Cup.
Sneakster (Nitrocycle, medium): Get a "One Star" rank or better in all 100cc Wii Grand Prix Cups.
Spear (Torpedo, large): Unlock 12 Expert Staff Ghost in Time Trials mode.
Zip Zip (Rapide, medium): Win the 100cc Lightning Cup.
Aero Glider (large): Get a "One Star" rank or better in all 150cc Retro Cups.
Blue Falcon (small): Win the Mirror Lightning Cup.
Honeycoupe (Dragonetti, large): Win the 150cc Lightning Cup.
Piranha Prowler (large): Win the 50cc Special Cup.
Royal Racer (medium): Win the 150cc Leaf Cup.
Sprinter (B Dasher Mk 2, medium): Unlock 24 Expert Staff Ghosts in Time Trials mode.
Super Blooper (medium): Get a "One Star" rank or better in the 50cc Leaf Cup.
Tiny Titan (small): Get a "One Star" rank or better in all 50cc Retro Cups. Alternately, get 50 Wi-Fi wins.
And now for the other stuff that I can't remember without Cheatcc.:
Mirror mode
Win all 150cc Cups to unlock Mirror mode.
Expert Staff Ghosts
Defeat a Normal Staff Ghosts with a time at least seven seconds faster to unlock the Expert Staff Ghost for that course.
Alternate title screen and ending sequence
Get a "One Star" rank or better in all Cups, including those in Mirror mode to unlock an alternate title screen and ending sequence.
Special credits
Win all trophies in a class to view the credits and see a congratulations screen featuring your Mii with Mario and Peach. Win all Grand Prix Cups to get another congratulations screen featuring your Mii with all the racers.
Quick start
When the countdown starts, wait until the "2" begins to disappear, then hold 2 to get a boost at the start of the race.
When the timer to begin the race just starts, hold 1 + 2. As soon as it is about to say "Go", release both buttons and press 2 as you would normally do to start the race. If done correctly, you will get a nice boost that will usually put you in first place in the 50cc and 100cc class. Note: This may require some practice.
Quick recovery from collision
When you fall into an obstacle, press 2 precisely when you land to get a temporary boost.
Quick recovery from POW Block
You must have drifting set to manual for this trick to work. Before the third strike from a POW Block, start to drift so that your kart or bike will be in the air for the third strike. When you land, you should only spin once and maintain about the same speed.
When an opponent uses a POW Block, it will spin you out on the third POW, causing you to lose an item and speed. However, if you perform a wheelie on a bike as soon as your hear the third POW, you will spin and lose your item but maintain your speed. Additionally, if you shake the Wii-mote, it will create a force field and protect you. Also, if you are off the ground (not jumping) from something such as a ramp, you will avoid the POW Block. -From: Greg
Quick recovery on bike after being hit
While on a bike, after you are hit or run into an item, perform a wheelie to increase your speed quickly.
Use same character with more than one player
This glitch works because you are automatically placed on the character you last selected. First, make have player one choose the character desired. Next, deselect the character, and move off it. Have player two select the character. Go back one screen, then enter the character selection screen again. You should now both be on the same character. Then, have both players select the character. Note: This trick also works for three and four players.
Changing Mii driver's class
Enter the Mii Channel, and change the weight of your Mii. This will cause your Mii driver in the game to change to the corresponding weight class and give you access to the corresponding new vehicles.
Using Triple Shells as ramming weapon
After you get a Triple Shell item of any color, press 2 so that all three are spinning around you. Before you launch them, you can use them to ram other cars. It does the same damage as if you launched them at an opponent.
Defending against Blue Shells
This trick requires a Mushroom. The Blue Shell goes up and comes down. Before it hits, you will have time to use a Mushroom and avoid the shell. You should boost forward and the Blue Shell should explode behind you.
Defending against Red Shells
You can block Red Shells by equipping an item behind you. Once you have an item, hold D-pad Left or D-pad Right. Items that work are Green Shells, Red Shells, and Bananas. Do not hold Fake Item Boxes or Bob-ombs behind you.
Team drafting boost
This trick requires two or more players. While playing in VS. Team racing, draft by following a friend somewhat closely from behind. Once you get the boost, go around him or her to take the lead in front of them. Have that friend draft behind you. Keep repeating this to quickly finish a race.
Winning online
A win counts as long as points are added to your total score. For example, if you get fifth, or sometimes sixth, place in an online race, it is still considered a win. The same goes for Battle Online. You can be on the losing team, but if you scored enough coins or hits and it adds points to your score, then it can be a win.
Golden Wii Wheel icon
After using the Wii Wheel extensively in all modes, a golden Wii Wheel will appear next to your name when you go online.
Profile name stars
You can add a star next to your profile name on the results screen and the Wi-Fi races by completing all Grand Prix races with a certain rank:
One star profile name: Earn a "One Star" rank in all Grand Prix races.
Two star profile name: Earn a "Two Star" rank in all Grand Prix races.
Three star profile name: Earn a "Th