Oh, don't worry. You just made a simple mistake. To get back to the Goron near the Hidden Village, just circle all the way around Hyrule Field ad back to the northern side of the Bridge of Eldin. Make sure you bring Epona, or else it will be a long walk... A VERY long walk... ^_^;
So basically, from where you are right now (the southern side of the bridge), retrace your steps back through the Eldin piece of Hyrule Field. Pass through the small bridge connecting that field to Faron Field, and then circle around until you pass Lake Hylia. Run through that area, past Lanayru Hyrule Field, and make sure you take the inclined plane past the Spinner ravine. THen keep on going until you see many Bulbins, and then stop there. You'll find the Goron.
If you keep on going, then you'll meet the Shadow Beasts, which you can kill to open a very important Warp Point. :3
Hope that answered your question! (I tried to find a good map to illustrate my answer, but I couldn't find one for the Wii... Sorry! D:)