This is really important. OK so it all started with a wii system update. We had a hacked wii with neogamma and stuff and everything was great till this happened. Our wii has rejected the files to hack the wii because nintendo is getting very smart...But. I had to put 30$ of wii games on my sd card because I formatted the wii to make it think there was never such thing as Letterbomb. What sucks is when the wii rejected the file, i deleted the hacked files. GUESS WHAT? I DELETED MY GAMES BY ACCIDENT TOO! How do I get them back??? What was weird was... The hacxked file that comes with letterbomb, the file Private, it had random content files and other crap so I thought the wii put something in my sd that prevented so i deleted. now i realize tat was actually my games. i tried recuva and tried to get the private file back but they glitched out. i wish we never updated the system. thank you for reading and if you know how i could get this back please leave an answer, also if you know why my letterbomb is getting rejected, i put the rivght mac address in and downloaded it over about 10 times and there was no letterbomb. also before all this after i updated i got the letterbomb and bootmii the next day i didnt have bootmii, so i tried to get letterbonmb again and it didnt work and hasnt since. thanks soo much for reading...please leave answer.