Can you move virtual console games to an SD card?
2007-05-10 19:43:20 UTC
I have never been sure about that
Six answers:
2007-05-10 21:01:16 UTC
I believe that is where you store VC games but you cannot move them to another system. They are locked only to be played on that system. This prevents people from sharing games so nintendo can make more money. In the event your system fails and you get a new one you need to contact nintendo about moving the games to your new system.
Alex M
2007-05-12 20:01:47 UTC
Yes you can move virtual console games to an SD card but unless it changed from when i tried it in december, you cant play the virtual console games off of an sd card. You need to copy them to the internal memory and then copy them back.
john b
2007-05-11 06:04:29 UTC
You can do that, but you can't bring them to other people's Wiis. You can, however, save your own game data onto your SD card by doing this:

1. At the Wii Home menu, click the bottom left button that opens up the OPTIONS menu

2. Click The MEMORY settings (it should look like a gamecube memory card or an SD card)

3. Select WII MEMORY

4. You should now see all of your saved data games. Click on on of them and move it to your SD card.

5. Badda-bing! Now when you play that game on someone else's Wii, and bring your SD card, you'll be using your data!
Jason A|retired
2007-05-10 21:06:09 UTC
Yes indeed you can store them on an SD card or the consoles own memory, quite handy when you have many VC games but you cannot load them onto another console or your computer as they are encrypted by a key hidden in the Wii's own memory so they will not function on another console
2007-05-12 05:40:03 UTC
what the other answers say you can get your games to an sd card so you can make room for more but you cant get them to another console cause is like if you say :"hey wanna super mario bros. for the wii? ill give it to ya for half the price"so it's like if you make money for sellin them
Luis J
2007-05-12 21:30:33 UTC
yes, but you can only play them on the wii you bought them, so it only works to save memory

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