The Wii is the most overrated console ever?
2007-12-29 23:19:57 UTC
I have an Xbox 360 and my friend has a wii. Unfortunately, my friend now wishes he got a 360, because he realizes that the motion sensor isn't incorporated in the games as good as people say it is. Most people who like the wii think every game is going to be as interactive as wii sports, but that in fact is not the case. Most publishers get confused on how they are going to make the game interactive, so for say opening a box you will swing the remote side by side (totally unrelated to the action). Not only that, but there is NO graphical improvement from the gamecube AT ALL. Most wii players say that the wii is a different style of gameplay, but all it feels like is a gamecube with a special controller. The online beats out PS3, but comes no where, NO WHERE, close to Xbox Live. Not only that, but you are obligated to point the wiimote at your television screen constantly, and moving the controller will change the camera angles dramatically. Tell me why people are buying this?
Fourteen answers:
2007-12-29 23:42:48 UTC

If you do not like the Wii, and your friend does not like the Wii, those are your opinions and you are entitled to them. It may be overrated in your opinion, and that's fine, but you have to realize that most people do not share that viewpoint.

Instead, most of the millions upon millions who bought Wii are enjoying what it offers just fine. Most people who bought it, did so knowing what type of games would be offered. If your friend was expecting to find the type of games that are offered on Xbox 360, he should have done more research before making his decision.

Incidentally, I have a Wii and an Xbox 360, but I don't have Assassin's Creed, The Orange Box or Call of Duty 4. They simply don't appeal to me, and were I blind I might think they were overrated. Instead, I know well enough that they're just not games I'm interested in, irrespective of their overall quality.
2007-12-30 04:25:51 UTC
Couldn't disagree more I like the 360 but the wii is in my opinion better, it offers better games to download than the 360 does and despite the 360 being made by Microsoft its the only console you can't browse the web with, and the wiimote is extremely easy to use I don't see why you would have those problems if you spent at least a couple of hours playing the thing, I will say this for the 360 however it is the best console for first person shooters and online play, but overall the wii has a better selection of games from Zelda to Mario Galaxy to Big Brain Academy etc.
2007-12-29 23:37:07 UTC
You can play The Orange Box, Call of Duty 4, and Assassin's Creed (in Feb) on a PC with better graphics and more accuracy. You can even play Halo on a PC - there's no need for a 360. On the other hand, you can't play Super Mario Galaxy, Zelda, Metroid, or any other Nintendo game anywhere but the Wii.

Casual gamers and people that never got in to gaming enjoy the Wii because of the movement that's required to play the game. They also enjoy how simple the games are. A lot these people that aren't hard-core gamers would never be able to get in to games like Call of Duty 4. That's why the system is selling so well; because it targets everyone - hard core gamers (though the games for them are lacking a bit so far), casual gamers, and people of every age group.

The Xbox 360, with it's huge library of games, is great for hard-core gamers, although I still think a PC is better if you're in to graphics and shooters.
2007-12-29 23:29:24 UTC
i agree. In a baseball game no matter how fast or hard you move the controller all it does is swing the bat at a preset speed. All the Wii can do is pick up the motion and make the character swing the bat but not at the speed or direction you actually move the controller. It is good technology that when improved will be awesome. Maybe the Wii Two will be better.
2007-12-29 23:24:54 UTC
I think its a really good social system and I like playing with friends. I also enjoy playing with my parents and this is the first time they would touch a game system and actually have fun since super nintendo came out. All of the systems have their advantages and I dont know if you have really had a chance to play a lot of the games the Wii has to offer. And graphics really arent as important as having fun to me so I could really care less. Most games dont require you to point at the tv at all. in fact what games have you played for the wii???
Jonathan J
2007-12-30 11:59:34 UTC

The 360 is not an Wii-killer and the Wii is not a 360-killer. They are very different consoles with very different merits.

For some people, the Wii is all that is needed for gaming. Yes the bulk of gamers are in their twenties but what about the rest of the people that play games? What about the Teens and pre-teens? What about the older generation that got started with Pong and Donkey Kong? To them they really don't care about graphics and all they want to do is play. The Wii is easily the cheapest console. The 360 Arcade is 279, but wait... if you want to go online you need a HD. BANG! +$120.

You complain about the controller, but you have the same controller as the previous console and the same for the PS3. Does change scare you? This change has brought some phenomenal gameplay from developers, those that actually take time to make a great game. Resident Evil 4: Wii edition is the best version of this game released to date. Trust me, you'll wish you had controls this good when RE5 comes to your beloved 360. The FPS genre on the Wii is phenomenal. It may not have the graphical prowess of say Gears of War, but the controls are actually more intuitive than the arcadic FPS controls that have existed since Medal of Honor for the PS1. In fact the speed and ease of use to play Medal of Honor Heroes 2 is as close as any console has ever gotten to PC controls.

Meanwhile, while I am talking about graphics, I have to say I am appaled by Halo 3 looking like Halo 2 with bloom lighting.

In terms of quality titles that are released, every system has been through the issue. The ps3 is going through it now because developers find it more profitable to port a 360 build to the PS3, although they should do it the other way if they want quality titles on both platforms. The Wii gets a lot of ports from the ps2. They think they can just take a ps2 game, add waggle and BOOM! wii game. That is wrong. It will take sometime before we see a lot of quality Wii titles designed specifically for the Wii. Even Nintendo is guilty of doing these things.

The IR is not useless. It is very simple to have 1-1 pinpoint accuracy with the wii-mote (AKA use it as a light gun). The only thing that has to be done is to calibrate the wii-mote before gameplay. This was done in the port of Ghost Squad which made the in-game crosshairs optional. Sure this makes the game no more different than Time Crisis, but at the total cost of $30 instead of $80.

Not all games require you to constantly point at the screen. Mainly the FPS games. You don't in RE4, that just means you aren't aiming at that moment, and there is no point to aiming constantly because you can't shoot and move. This also goes for Zelda, Mario, raving rabbids, ultimate alliance, the list goes on. For the games that do require it, it is like complaining over optional the six axis controls for Motor Storm when you use them. It is what you bought the game for so use it.

Speaking of cost, I'm not sold on the idea of buying a 360 being a PC owner. The Orange Box for 360 cost $60.... Why? This was only a collection of games, half of which were previously released years ago. I got it on PC for $30. Half of the cost of your version with better controls and better graphics. Also, why should I pay for an online infrastructure? PC games have worked fine for years without Microsoft trying to make us pay for it. And don't complain about the cost of a PC to play this game. For all the money you invested on your 360 plus the crappy PC you are probably using right now, you could have a PC that could play this game, and BioShock, and eventually Mass Effect when it gets ported bug-free....

Ok done with that off tangent rant. Online may be worse on Wii than 360, but at least it is free. Don't like friend codes? EA bypassed it by making its users login through a website to play medal of honor heroes 2 online. This allowed for 32 player multi-player with ranks and users can identify each other.

Also, there may not be any unique wii-titles downloadable yet, but at least they are competent. My friend download Sonic 2 on his 360 and I don't think I've been appalled so much since the release of Shadow the Hedgehog. This is a game from the Sega Genesis, Genesis! Why is it lagging? Why is it choppy? This is inexcusable for a console this expensive. The Wii however is able to emulate the game wonderfully.

As for its own backwards compatibility? I am ashamed for it's price the 360 went for emulation for it's xbox games, causing a lot of titles (including one of my best friends favorite: chronicles of Riddick) to be incompatible. Gamecube emulation is however perfect and I haven't found a single game in my library that doesn't work.

Oh yeah. Did you know that the term Ring of Death is now in the vocabulary of most of the population? When I was still working at target I would get people asking for a game console that "doesn't have that ring of death problem". Most of these people end up getting a ps2 or a DS because the Wii of course is sold out.

In short here are the reasons why the Wii sells:

1. It is the cheapest console

2. It has the cheapest games

3. There are games that appeal to both the hardcore and the casual audience, bringing the entire family together.

4. Backwards Compatibility works

5. Emulated Backwards Compatibility works.

6. Simple controller appeals to a broader audience.

Also as a side note check the link below for the possible future of the Wii. The possibilities of the console is large. The Wii is a unique console that although limited in graphics, can do things the other console just cannot do. I am a proud Wii owner and I think the system deserves its limelight. Get out there and play it more for crying out loud.
2007-12-30 00:05:22 UTC
I got the Wii because we have a diverse group of gamers in our family. I like casual games like Wii Play or Sports, my son loves the Sonic games, and my husband loves new gadgets. I also have a 4 year old and most of the games for the Wii are safe for her to watch when we play.

We play the more adult games on the PC or we have to wait till she goes to sleep and it's a pain to want to play something but have to wait for the little one to crash.

Having a Wii gives us another option and it has easy and fun family games that we can all just hang around and play.

If you don't have little kids around or you want the more M rated games, it probably isn't the system for you but we've found that it fit right in with what we need. Plus it's cheaper and with two kids and games as expensive as they are, that's a really big deal.

I do wish it played movies though, that's the one thing I think it lacks.
2007-12-29 23:24:36 UTC
I just bought a Wii and I LOVE it. I love that it is so interactive, with the X-Box you are just sitting there using a controller. I just bought a new game, and haven't yet played it so I can't really say if it's better then Wii Sports or what.
2016-11-27 00:54:13 UTC
THE WII isn't overvalued! you purely ought to decelerate and play the video games at an outstanding commonly used p.c... There must be hidden extras and you does not understand on account which you went too quickly! In bowling, 230 is an accepted score! Why do no longer you purely practice? in case you do no longer prefer your wii, sell IT ON eBAY!!!!!!!!!!
2007-12-30 10:02:48 UTC
You know, if I really wanted to sit by myself and play games, my desktop PC has far more computing power and superior graphics than any Xbox or PS system. And coupled with my 37" HD monitor with full 1080i? Pretty much all game consoles are not only overrated, but completely unnecessary.

I bought the Wii actually for grandbabies--my 4 year old grandson has literally been playing the Nickelodeum games with me on my PC since he was a year old--and mastered them before the age of 2. At 4 now he's a fairly decent chess player. But the controls of most game systems? I mean, come on, he's only 4 years old! His motor skills haven't developed well enough yet.

He picked up the Wiimote almost immediately though. First day we brought home "Lego Star Wars" he played for 6 hours solid--we couldn't get him to stop long enough to eat and practically had to force him go use the potty. His 3 year old sister? Oh, LOVES "Disney Princess". They convinced mommy to allow me to buy them a Wii for Christmas by telling her they wanted to move in with us.

But now Mommy and Daddy are "hogging" babies' Wii because I also send home some party games for them, "Dance, Dance Revolution" for mommy to aerobicize to, and "Manhunt 2" for our demented son-in-law. (We knew they'd like them because we've been enjoying them as well!)

Then there's my mom in her 70s, who's community center bought a Wii, and has formed and play in bowling leagues against other retirement villages.

My husband and I use ours also to entertain friends and family members who come to visit--the Wii just has so many good party games that are as much fun to watch as they are to play. Board style and trivia games, karaoke singing and dancing games, bizarre and wacky minigames, along with all the sports-type games that would normally require lots of room and an entire house full of equipment to play.

We've always bought and had lots of good PC games on hand for visiting family members who might be interested in playing--only takers though are our teenage nephews, and that's about it! Most people have no desire to get all that involved in playing a video game--they just want to relax, socialize and have a good time.

And that's why people are buying the Wii.
2007-12-29 23:33:05 UTC
DUDE I TOTALLY AGREE!!! Thank you for giving me this opportunity to rant. My friend also has a Wii and although we play it, it gets tremendously boring. I mean, you get to move your Wiimote, but its really not fun after a while. Their online game play WISHES it could match up with Xbox Live. I mean I played Medal of Honor online, and you would get spawned right in front of a guy. In Halo, that would never even happen. Xbox 360 also has Halo. ;D And the Xbox Live is awesome... Friends list, clans, forums, MIC... Endless possibilities.

Xbox > Wii
2007-12-30 10:32:22 UTC
blah blah blah.thats your opinion.

of course we are in the 21st century.soon the wii WILL be over rated,and we'll be playing games in virtual helmets and only have touch or mind devices.

but if you havent notice,its VERY boring playing a game sitting on your couch and constantly having to plug the stupid remote back in because you keep pulling it out.

A wii is SOO much better...

NO more annoying wires,and sitting on your couch with nacho cheese all over your shirt.

in my opinion,everyone who prefers to sit down and play a game hasnt been outside their home in months.
Shane S
2007-12-30 01:29:36 UTC
I agree with polka i enjoy it with my family and bought it for that reason..we are not hard core gamers.
~I wish you could smile~
2007-12-29 23:29:40 UTC
opinions man,


you don't speak for he whole world

by the way i have nintendo wii

and i love it



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